3 Success Tips To Start Your Muslim Homeschool Right

3 Success Tips to Start Your Muslim Homeschool Right.

Starting your Muslim Homeschool is a daunting task. You have so many things to consider, like curriculum options, your daily schedule, and how you’ll organize your set-up.

It’s hard to focus on building a foundation for your homeschool successfully with all of these considerations going on in your head.

So here are 3 success tips for starting your Muslim homeschool right and setting a foundation that will maximise your success going forward insha’Allah.

#1: My Number 1 Tip

When we want to start homeschooling many of us go straight to the internet to look for expert homeschooling advice. Whilst that’s really helpful, it’s not the very first thing you should do when you’re looking to start out.

There is something you might have overlooked, which I recommend you do at the very beginning of your homeschool journey…

I believe it’s the single biggest factor in ensuring your homeschooling success. It’s even better than having expert homeschooling advice at your fingertips.

What could help me more in starting out my homeschooling journey than expert advice? You might ask. Well, who is better to consult than the Creator?

Seeking His guidance is your most successful tactic for starting your homeschool right.

But how do you do that?

By doing istikhara when you’ve decided to start homeschooling. It’s the very first step on your homeschooling journey.

There are a lot of misconceptions floating around on exactly how to do istikhara, so click here and here to get an authentic detailed description of it according to the Qur’an and sunnah.

#2: Find Other Homeschoolers

Once you’ve started homeschooling, try to find other homeschoolers like yourself and look for experienced homeschoolers in your area.

Feeling alone when you’re starting out is one of the biggest challenges new homeschoolers can face.

So try to build connections with other homeschoolers and find local groups you can get involved with. Reach out to your local masjid and Muslim community to find women who are homeschooling just like yourself.

When you’ve found a couple, start a group so you can stay connected, offer mutual support, share ideas and maybe organise events for the kids.

Even if you only know a handful of other homeschoolers, this can help you stop feeling alone in the beginning and this extra bit of support can go a long way.

It’s one of the best ways to build out a solid foundation for your homeschool going forward.

#3: But, How Do I Even Start My Muslim Homeschool?

You want to start homeschooling. You’ve done istikhara, but you’ve no idea how to start or where to begin.

Then I have the perfect free gift for you!

My 17-page guide “How to Start Homeschooling: Easy 7 Step Guide for Muslim Families” will walk you through the exact process you need. Taking you from where you are now to starting your very own homeschool.

I created this free guide because when I started homeschooling there was no free detailed advice on how to start homeschooling for Muslim families.

Packed with actionable advice in small bite-sized steps, this guide will help you set up your homeschool for long term success insha’Allah in a straight-to-the-point way.

So you can start building your successful Muslim homeschool today.

Sign up below and receive it instantly for free.

Start A Muslim Homeschool free guide by Muslim Homeschool Hub

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