How To Save Time AND Get More Done in Your Homeschool

How to save time and get more done in your homeschool

“You’ll never again get lost in the sea of downloadable worksheets online, telling yourself that there’s so much material you HAVE to get through. “

Muslim Homeschool Hub.

You’re a super busy homeschooling mum. Your time is divided between praying your five daily prayers, cooking, homeschooling, taking care of your family and trying to squeeze in your daily Qur’an reading  – which you’ve had to skip more times than you would like.

Homeschool is great, deep down it’s what you really want for your kids BUT it takes SO much time out of your daily schedule.

The time you’re devoting to it cuts into other commitments you have, wearing you down and dragging out your day.

So what can you do?

Is there a way to make the whole process more efficient? …. I believe there is.

What You Must Know

It’s difficult to run a successful homeschool or successful anything for that matter, without a clear set of goals. Right? So, you need a set of homeschooling goals.

To pin down what your homeschooling goals are, first you MUST know what exactly you need your child to learn this quarter. (I recommend planning your homeschool year in quarters.) 

Write down every subject you want to teach him and underneath each subject list all of the topics that he needs to learn. So every subject will have a list of topics underneath it.

This list is your set of homeschooling goals. Each child you homeschool will have different goals because of their different ages or learning abilities. So, write up a set of homeschooling goals for each child you have.

Keep It Safe

Keep this list someplace handy, like with all of your homeschool materials.  

This list of goals will be your guide. Your measuring stick for deciding which worksheets, books and other content to buy, download or use. This will help you focus on what is most important in your homeschool and get more of it done.

Choose activities, worksheets and games that directly relate to your homeschooling goals and prioritise these.

Any worksheet or activity that doesn’t help you achieve your homeschooling goals can be set to the side and used only if you have the time later on once your goals have been met. Doing this will make it easy for you to identify which parts you can skip in the curriculum you might be using, in case you get behind.

A Snug Fit

Once you’ve streamlined the content of your homeschool down to what really matters: your goals, you’ll be able to focus your homeschooling efforts on these. You’ll never again get lost in the sea of downloadable worksheets online, telling yourself that there’s so much material you HAVE to get through

You can simply send all topics and worksheets that don’t help you and your child achieve your homeschooling goals, to the back burner. Reserve them for later, if you have time. This stops them clogging up your homeschool day.

And instead of feeling like you’re trying to squeeze so much learning material into your day, things should now fit nice and snug in your daily routine. You’ll be achieving your homeschooling goals in no time inshaAllah, by keeping things focused in this way.

By streamlining your content down to just what really matters to you and your child, you should save a lot of your extremely valuable time.

The Good News

The good news is that these homeschool planners come with a homeschooling goals page, so check them out, get organised and start setting your homeschooling goals right away.

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